Focused on

your energy.

Modern astrology.

Relevant insights.

The Energence is a brand focused on raising self-awareness through modern Human Design analysis + social connectivity.

What’s important to us.

Cosmically inspired, but grounded in reality.

The Energence and its products, especially The System Guides and Workbooks, were created in order to remedy access to accurate, consistent, and digestible information on Human Design and other astro-hybrid systems. We aim to expand individual awareness by consolidating, streamlining, and sharing the language of self-discovery that allows us to better connect with ourselves and one another.

  • Increasing access to The Human Design System’s knowledge by providing comprehensive, consolidated sources of information, adhering to a learning-friendly content structure, and streamlining the reader experience with a modern vernacular.

  • Ensuring the sharing of accurate Human Design content in the ever-expanding community by adhering to the information within the original teaching concepts of the Human Design System.

  • Staying true to our principles and aesthetic preferences, both as individuals and as a brand embodying the envisioned standards within the Human Design and greater self-awareness community.

We aim to equip others with new knowledge, new awarenesses, and most importantly — a new language to connect with one another.

Have you followed us yet?

Have you followed us yet?

Who we are.

Humble Healing beginnings.

The Energence was founded in 2021 by two life-long friends, John Charley and Ricardo Zapata. Each found themselves struggling with their mental health and decided to move in together and rebuild. During this time an auspicious opportunity presented itself, leading them to find renewed peace and purpose through plant medicine and Human Design.

Following the beginning of their healing, self-discovery journey, they decided to share their newfound insights with those closest to them. It quickly became evident that explaining Human Design to others wasn’t easy and one could quickly become lost in the intricacies of this astro-hybrid system. On top of this, they found the currently available sources of information on the subject to be artificially fragmented and with steep barriers to entry — both in cost and exclusivity.

Over the following two years, they dedicated themselves to creating tools which would improve the accessibility and understanding of the Human Design System’s knowledge. In a time when they needed help, they were given the actionable knowledge to better understand themselves by understanding their Designs. Their aim is to raise the self-awareness and self-consciousness of others through their work at The Energence.

Photo of The Energence co-founders, Ricardo Zapata (left), and John Charley (right), in Colombia.
Photo of The Energence co-founders, Ricardo Zapata (left), and John Charley (right), in Colombia.

What we do.

  • Simplification.

    We structure our content on The Human Design System to make it easier to understand — both its theory information as well as your own chart so you can more readily read yourself + others.

  • Interpretation.

    Our products are structured to explain complex Human Design concepts in matter-of-fact, learning-friendly terms geared toward boosting self-discovery + social connections between modern learners.

  • Proliferation.

    Since its founding, the overarching goal of The Energence has been to share accurate knowledge of the Human Design System and proliferate the benefits that come from deconditioning and design awareness.