General Questions

What is The Energence?

We’re a brand aimed at raising self-awareness and promoting wellness through astrological analysis and social connectivity. Get to know us here.

What type of astrological system is used?

Our content is based on The Human Design System: a merging of ancient divination systems, NASA data, and user-provided natal information.

Questions about Human Design? See our Human Design FAQ here.

What if I’m missing my natal information?

Accurate birth time + place is essential in order to generate the correct bodygraph and analysis. We recommend ringing the parents, digging out the birth certificate, or researching how to request yourself a new copy.

Company Questions

Where can I get more information on The Energence?

Stay in touch with us by signing up for our newsletter, or reach out to us directly with business-related inquires at info@theenergence.com.

Where can I go for press inquiries?

All press-related inquires should be directed to info@theenergence.com.

Privacy Questions

Do you sell my information to anyone?

Selling customer data is highly uncool in our opinion — we do not sell, disclose, or rent your personal data at anytime or in anyway to any third party.

Do you have a Privacy Policy?

Yes, we do — click here to view it.

Can I request my information be deleted?

Yes, you can — click here to submit a Privacy Policy request.

Shop Questions

Do you have a return policy?

Yes, we do — click here to view it.

Do you ship internationally?

No, we do not — unfortunately we do not ship internationally at this time. We encourage International customers to explore our digital titles located on Apple Books and Google Play Books.

Do you have wholesale pricing for retailers?

Yes, we do — wholesale-related inquires should be directed to info@theenergence.com.