Human Design


General Questions

Q: What is the Human Design System?

A: The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient divination systems and modern science; it includes: the Chinese I Ching, Kabbalah, Hindu chakras, and quantum physics. It is a system that uses your birth data to provide a map or blueprint of your unique energetic makeup, which can help you understand your life purpose, inner strengths, energetic challenges, and relationship dynamics.

Q: How is the Human Design System different from other personality systems?

A: The Human Design System is unique in that it combines the systems mentioned above to create a more comprehensive and holistic picture of a person's energetic being — their Design. It focuses on a person's overall uniqueness rather than any single personality trait, and teaches ways for them to leverage their qualities and capacitites.

Q: Who developed the Human Design System?

A: The Human Design System was channeled by Robert Allan Krakower, who later changed his name to Ra Uru Hu, in 1987. Since then, the System has been further developed and refined by other practitioners seeking to share it — including our team at The Energence.

Reading and Interpreting a Human Design Chart

Q: What information is included in a Human Design chart?

A: A Human Design chart includes information about your Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, Definition, and Centers. It also includes a Bodygraph: a visual representation of your energetic Design and being. Get your chart here.

Q: What is my Type in Human Design?

A: Your Type determines the specific, optimal manner for you to approach the world and how best to receive what life sends your way. There are five Types: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector.

Q: What is my Strategy in Human Design?

A: Your Strategy is the way in which you are best designed to operate in the world and engage with others. Each Type has a specific Strategy: Both Generators and Manifesting Generators "Wait to Respond", Projectors "Wait for an Invitation", Manifestors "Inform Before Taking Action", and Reflectors "Wait a Lunar Cycle”.

Q: What is my Authority in Human Design?

A: Your Authority is the inner decision-making process that is most aligned with your unique Design. By following one’s Authority, one will be able to make more correct decisions that increase ease and reduce resistance in life. Unlike Strategy, Authority is not tied to one’s Type. There are eight Authorities including, but not limited to: Sacral Authority, Emotional Authority, Splenic Authority, and five others.

Q: What is my Profile in Human Design?

A: Your Profile is determined by the two numbers following the decimal point in each of the Sun’s conscious and unconscious activations in your Dual Chart. It represents your conscious and unconscious personality traits — the archetypal roles of your being’s behavior and energy. There are 12 possible Profiles, each with a unique set of traits. A Profile is always read as one’s conscious role followed by one’s unconscious role.

Q: What are Centers in Human Design?

A: Centers are energy nodes within a bodygraph that correspond to different energies in an individual’s Design. They can communicate and exchange energy with one another within one’s Design as well as receive or emit their respective energies to the external world. There are nine centers, each with a unique function.

Applying Human Design to Life

Q: How can I use Human Design in my everyday life?

A: You can use Human Design to make decisions that are in alignment with your unique Design, understand your inner strengths and challenges, improve your relationships, and essentially live a more fulfilling life. It is a tool of experimentation that requires trust and dedication in order to implement properly.

Q: Can Human Design be used to make career decisions?

A: Yes, Human Design can be a helpful tool when attempting to make career decisions. By understanding your unique strengths and capacities, you can better identify which career paths are aligned with your natural abilities and interests. Human Design can also help you plan or sustain yourself while you move toward more aligned career positions.

Q: Can Human Design be used to improve relationships?

A: Absolutely. Human Design is all about understanding yourself in order to better understand others. It allows you to see and recognize how others influence you, how you affect others, and, why individuals behave as they do. By recognizing and honoring each other's unique Designs, you are empowered build stronger, more harmonious relationships.

Q: Can my Human Design change over time?

A: No, your Design does not change over time. However, your Design is constantly affected by external energies in the form of other people’s conditioning auras as well as through the transiting of the celestial bodies which influence your Design with their thematic energies. The transits’ influences can be visualized on your bodygraph and knowing the Designs of others will allow you to create composite graphs in order to recognize how they influence you and vice versa.

Q: Where can I learn more about Human Design?

A: You can learn more about Human Design from a number of sources. To browse our Human Design products, visit our Shop, or visit our curated collection of resources, posts, and articles on the Human Design System.

Misconceptions and Misunderstandings

Q: Are there any misconceptions or misunderstandings about the Human Design System?

A: Yes, some people believe that the Human Design System is a form of astrology or that it can be used to predict the future, which is not accurate. While it does have a basis in astrology, the Human Design System is a tool for understanding your unique energetic makeup and making decisions that are in alignment with that. An individual is meant to experiment with it in order to manifest a better life with less resistance and more fulfillment.

Q: Do I have to believe in the Human Design System for it to work?

A: No, belief is not a requirement for the Human Design System to work. The information provided is based on your unique birth data, and it can be helpful regardless of your belief system. The System does, however, require that you trust in it and consciously practice your Design’s Strategy and Authority; trust and dedication are required in order to give it the necessary time it needs for you to see results.

Q: Is the Human Design System backed by scientific research?

A: While the Human Design System is not backed by mainstream scientific research, it is based on a synthesis of ancient divination systems and modern sciences. The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, always referred to it as “a tool for experimentation” and one that was empirical. He advocated for those who were interested in the System to commit to it and see the results for themselves.

Q: Can the Human Design System be used to improve my life?

A: Yes, the Human Design is a helpful tool for understanding your inner strengths and challenges, improving your relationships, and living a more fulfilling life. It is important to approach it with an open mind, and to use it in conjunction with other more traditional tools or resources. Learning and implementing Human Design takes time, but it is well worth the effort. Stick with it and see the results for yourself.

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