Synthesized Living: A Guide to Deconditioning + Integration

The Human Design System combines aspects of astrology, the I Ching, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, quantum physics, and the Kabbalah. It offers an opportunity to experience liberation through its unique and detailed insight into one's true nature. The process of deconditioning and integrating Human Design into your life is a transformative yet challenging journey. Here is a brief guide to help you understand the deconditioning process and how to readily integrate Human Design into your life.

The Deconditioning Process

The deconditioning process is an essential part of understanding and embracing Human Design. It involves breaking down the existing patterns and beliefs that you have been taught and conditioned by, replacing them with a deeper understanding of your unique Design. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, claimed this process was tied to the body’s cellular renewal process, taking seven years in total to fully decondition from the former self into a more awakened being lead by Strategy and Authority. This process can be uncomfortable at times, as it requires you to question almost everything you’ve been taught, including your own established points of view. Here are some steps you can take to aid you in the deconditioning process:

  1. Observe your thoughts and beliefs: Awareness is the beginning and the end of this journey. Start by paying attention to your thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behavior. Use your awareness of your Design, its auric energy, and of its influential circuitry. Write down your observations and note what jumps out at you.

  2. Challenge your beliefs: Once you have identified your thoughts and beliefs, challenge them. Ask yourself: Where did they come from? Do they serve you? If they do not, why are you holding onto them? This is key to understanding what is truly self-held beliefs vs. that which are based on external conditioning or projections of others.

  3. Embrace uncertainty: One of the biggest, if not the biggest, requirements for deconditioning is surrender. The deconditioning process demands letting go of what you know and embracing the unknown. Slowly opening oneself up to life and trusting that life will provide one with opportunity and correct prospects. This may be scary, but it is an essential step in discovering your true nature hidden amongst the conditioning.

  4. Embrace your uniqueness: Your Human Design is unique to you. Embracing your own form of authenticity is an crucial step in the deconditioning process. It involves recognizing that your Design is different from others, that it has its own strengths and vulnerabilities — that this is okay, that your Design is yours alone.

  5. Surround yourself with support: Having a supportive network is essential during the deconditioning process. Surround yourself with people who support your journey and who encourage you to be true to yourself. This may be a personal journey, but any journey is better with friends.

By undergoing the deconditioning process, individuals gain a deeper understanding of their unique nature, which can lead to more fulfilling relationships, career choices, and decision-making.

Integrating Human Design into Your Life

Proactively integrating Human Design into your life eases the process of deconditioning and coming into one’s own unique authority. This process involves applying your Design to your daily life, relationships, and decision-making. Here are some helpful steps you can take when integrating Human Design into your life:

  1. Live your Design: Start living your Design by following your Type’s specific Strategy and Authority. This will almost certainly involve making changes to your daily routine, relationships, or career.

  2. Communicate your Design: Share your Human Design with others, including friends and family. This will help them understand your unique perspective and help build stronger relationships — cooperation arises from mutual understanding.

  3. Use your Design in decision-making: Use your Human Design knowledge reasonably when making decisions, especially when it comes to making important choices in your life. Your Design will help guide you toward decisions that are correct and in alignment with your true nature.

  4. Reflect on your Design: It’s wise to regularly reflect on your Design and how it’s currently impacting your life. This will help you to deepen your understanding of yourself and your Design as well as help you make changes as need arises. Questioning and contemplating is what led you to decondition in the first place and it remains a staple in your toolbox.

  5. Seek out support: Seek out support from others who understand and embrace Human Design. This may involve attending workshops, joining a community of like-minded individuals, or even potentially creating your own social grouping.


The process of deconditioning and integrating Human Design into your life is a challenging and transformative journey. By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of your unique Design and learn how to apply it to your daily life. Remember to embrace your uniqueness, surround yourself with supportive people, and regularly reflect on your Design to make steady progress in on your life journey to authenticity.


Origins: Human Design — A Synthesis of Divination Systems + Modern Sciences


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