Case Study: 2/4 Manifesting Generator + 2/4 Projector Dynamics

Since its inception, The Energence has had the privilege to share the value of the Human Design System’s knowledge with many learners — directly introducing some to the System and engaging with others at varying points in their deconditioning journey. However, many expressed a difficulty in implementing the System’s teachings because they were having trouble understanding how to actually integrate the System into daily life. Unsurprisingly, this is more prevalent in novice learners, but it’s still common among those already familiar with their own Designs or with the concepts of Strategy and Authority. This case study provides us an opportunity to examine the real-life dynamics between two individuals through the lens of Human Design. It will showcase how using the System as a lens to view life allows one to better understand, and therefore better implement, the System.

In this case study, we’ll use Human Design as a lens to examine how two people spent two and a half years together jointly creating something new and ultimately arriving at self-empowering states of awareness. The case study focuses on The Energence’s co-founders: Ricardo Zapata (2/4 Manifesting Generator) and John Charley (2/4 Projector). The case study takes a retrospective approach to explain how these two used their knowledge of Human Design in order to play to their strengths, mitigate external conditioning, and cooperate in their journey to create The Energence.


Case Study Bodygraphs • 2/4 Manifesting Generator + 2/4 Projector


Background/Composite Overview

The first aspect worthy of note is that Ricardo and John completely define one another; each defines the open centers of the other and this ultimately creates a simple-split composite with full center definition. It’s a specific dynamic, that Ra referred to as ‘the 9 and 0’, resulting in a particularly strong resonance between two individuals. In fact, this resonance is so strong that it was unknowingly one of the main reasons for their lasting friendship. The two co-founders have always remained close friends since their initial meeting back in the Spring of 2010 — almost ten years before they would be exposed to Human Design. This 9 and 0 resonance is likely also the reason why John was the very first person that Ricardo shared Human Design with after being exposed to the System while visiting Colombia.

When examining these individuals through the lens of Human Design, we will look at how their individual Designs influenced their behaviors, both when they were physically together and when they were apart. Analyzing an individual via Human Design can easily yield enough information for a thesis let alone when examining two. For this reason, we will be taking a bird’s eye view and only focusing on the notable aspects of their Designs, specifically: their Types, shared Profile, and some influential aspects of their circuitry and centers.

Type Dynamics

The case study analysis begins with what most learners will first be exposed to in Human Design: Type. It’s arguably the overall categorization for an individual within the System and serves to establish one’s Strategy. Here we have a Projector alongside a Manifesting Generator. A Projector is a non-Energy Type whose overarching role among the Types is to be an administrator or guide of sorts; they are meant to facilitate others and themselves by following their Strategy of ‘waiting for an invitation’. On the other hand, a Manifesting Generator is an Energy Type that operates a more personal-oriented lifestyle which sees them depend on their Strategy of ‘waiting to respond’ to navigate life. Essentially, these individuals simply go about their lives, periodically receiving prompts from others in the form of choices or opportunities in order to progress.

Firstly, the very founding of the company arose as a result of both Ricardo and John unknowingly operating their correct Strategies. Many external events, notably COVID-19 and its effects, saw Ricardo sequentially responding to prompts that came his way. These ultimately led him to Colombia where he encountered Human Design. Upon his return to the US, he unknowingly provided John, a Projector, with a formal invitation to join him on his next trip to Colombia. Of course, John found that the opportunity resonated with him on a level he was unable to fully appreciate at the time. Eventually, John prompted Ricardo to co-found The Energence and his acceptance solidified John’s invitation.

Fast forward a couple months and we come to a time where John and Ricardo are working on developing the company’s brand, products, and other aspects. As the two learned more about Human Design, they began to realize they had unconsciously gravitated toward tasks that suited their Type’s modality. John had assumed the more logistical, administrative, and organizational tasks which suited his Projector nature perfectly. On the other hand, Ricardo being the Manifesting Generator, dove into product development and content creation responsibilities, using his affinity for work alongside his limitless Sacral Center energy to generate the products.

From time to time, as tasks were accomplished, Ricardo would check in with John because, as a Manifesting Generator, he naturally needed renewed prompts to respond to. Manifesting Generators plateau after a time and benefit from having external stimuli to re-center them onto the same task or prompt them onto another. As the administrator, John took these formal invitations from Ricardo as the opportunities to touch base and assign new tasks or convey the logistics of missing content and other assignments still needing to be done. On a more superficial level, it’s evident how Human Design can explain the natural tendencies individuals have and how we can cooperate in sublime synergy by playing to our strengths. Ricardo and John were able to utilize Human Design’s teachings about the Types to orient them toward the correct tasks, facilitate productive cooperation, and ultimately empower one another.

Center Dynamics

For the center-level analysis, we look at Ricardo’s Wide-Open Heart and John’s Wide-Open Solar Plexus. Generally speaking, the Heart Center is responsible for willpower, ego, and value determination. When one has a wide-open center they experience a great deal of conditioning through it, potentially leading to significant difficulties for those unaware. As time went by, Ricardo was beginning to burnout because of his Wide-Open Heart’s conditioning. He was simultaneously working full-time as a dental hygienist, taking on greater familial responsibilities, attempting to unionize a workplace, financially assisting friends, and working on the company’s projects with John. His Wide-Open Heart was leading him to burnout because its conditioning pushes one to determine their self-worth by what they can offer others. This leads to someone overcommitting, overpromising, and simply taking on too much in an effort to feel like they have value. Fortunately, Ricardo’s awareness kicked in and he was able to recognize this conditioning; this recognition led him to off-load some of the condition-derived responsibilities onto others so that he could once again establish a more balanced approach to life.

John, on the other hand, has a Wide-Open Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is the emotional center of the bodygraph and its extremely potent energies operate in a wave-like, cyclical manner. A Defined Solar Plexus triggers emotional waves that influence a person’s behaviors for its duration. These people vacillate across the emotional spectrum as they ride out their emotional wave until they once again reach their more ‘sober’ resting state. John having a Wide-Open Solar Plexus means he is susceptible to conditioning through this center and will not only absorb emotional energy, but also amplify it to greater levels — an effect that occasionally arose when Ricardo and John were working together. Ricardo having a Defined Solar Plexus meant that whenever he was overtaken by an emotional wave, it would end up greatly affecting John. Occasionally when the stress of co-running a startup became too much for Ricardo, his stress-derived anger would resonate and amplify within John to the point where heated disagreements arose. Once more, awareness of Human Design’s teachings on the centers informed John to step away whenever Ricardo’s emotional waves became too much for him. Individuals with a Wide-Open Solar Plexus are meant to experience emotion just like any other human, but they are not meant to vacillate between emotional waves or allow the emotional energy they take in to simply amplify itself within them. John’s physical removal from the environment allowed him to dissipate and expel Ricardo’s conditioning energy.

The above perspective illustrates how behaviors that normally would be inexplicable, or at the very least more difficult to explain, are actually quite straightforward and can even be better moderated when viewed through the lens of Human Design. Deep disturbances in Ricardo’s self-worth as well as the heightened tensions that occasionally arose from Ricardo and John being in proximity were assuaged and mitigated thanks to their awareness of the System’s teachings.

Circuitry Dynamics

For the circuitry-level analysis, we focus on two channels: the Channel of Acceptance (17-62) and the Channel of Curiosity (11-56). The thematic significance of the two channels is not as important as what their activated presence allowed. To provide some context, we know that Ricardo was in charge of content creation and product development — something that required quite a large amount of writing. Ricardo in his Design has a Defined Head and Mind Center, but they are not connected to his Throat Center. Functionally, this means that while Ricardo is able to naturally imagine and analyze ideas, he is not able to readily express them in ways that others will find intelligible — the Throat Center is responsible for this kind of correct manifesting and expression. Luckily, John does possess these two channels and he served as the medium through which Ricardo was able to better articulate himself and thus better write the company’s content. In particular, the Channel of Acceptance’s theme of using details to properly support and convey opinions or insights was critical in allowing the co-founders to properly research, contemplate, and then articulate Ra Uru Hu’s teachings in a cogent and contemporary manner within The System Guide.

Profile Dynamics

The last avenue of analysis in this case study is the Profile. Both Ricardo and John are 2/4 Hermit Opportunists. Generally speaking, the Hermit is an insular role that prefers to be left alone to their own devices in a location that they feel at peace in. Conversely, the Opportunist is a social role that indirectly derives its opportunities in life through their social networks and contacts. Early on in the company’s founding, the two co-founders were working side-by-side on the many tasks that needed to get done. However, they quickly learned that working in such close quarters did not really suit them and led to periods of conflict because they simply were not at peace — they were not operating like a 2/4. Above all, the Hermit is characterized by a need to be alone and content working on their interests in solitude. As time went on, Ricardo and John learned to once again follow Human Design’s teachings and, instead of working together physically, they adopted a 2/4-friendly work pattern. Each would work in their own rooms on their assignments and periodically link up to touch base and establish the next path forward before again retreating to their rooms to work. In regard to their shared Opportunist role, both Ricardo and John were able to identify allies and funding sources via their social networks. They learned to leverage their affinities for social persuasion and engagement to further their goals and ultimately support one another.


By using the Human Design System as a lens for analysis, one is able to comprehend how the Designs of these two individuals explained their behaviors, interactions, and actions. Without Human Design, identifying the underlying reasons for these things would be harder, potentially even misleading. Hopefully this case study afforded you some insight into how one can internalize the System’s teachings and apply them to the real world. How seemingly mundane things actually have energetic impetuses and how one can make correct decisions for themselves as well as others when they are empowered by the knowledge of the Human Design System.


Resources: Wide-Open Centers


Synthesized Living: Navigating Emotional Waves