Wired: Human Design Gates (Origins + Function)

The Human Design System (HDS) combines elements from the Chinese I Ching, Western Astrology, the Hindu Chakras, the Judaic Kabbalah, and Quantum Physics to create a multi-layered system. Human Design utilizes these components to reveal the authentic uniqueness of an individual, including their life purpose, behavioral characteristics, and decision-making approaches. One of the fundamental and underlying components of the HDS is the concept of "gates." This blog article delves into the origins of the gates, their relation to the I Ching and its hexagrams, as well as how the gates function within the System and help to create the bodygraph — the visualization of one’s Design.

The I Ching and its Hexagrams

The I Ching, also referred to as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text dating back to around the 9th century BCE. It comprises 64 hexagrams, each containing a combination of six lines that are either broken (yin) or unbroken (yang). These hexagrams were used for centuries as a tool for personal growth and self-reflection, providing a philosophical basis for understanding the dynamic interaction and balance of opposites in life: yin and yang. Accordingly, each hexagram represents a specific life situation, or archetype, and is accompanied by a set of texts that offer guidance and wisdom on how to navigate these situations. In Human Design, the I Ching’s hexagrams are utilized as the foundation for the concept of the gates and are found along the circumference of the astrological wheel — the wheel that maps out the gates, hexagrams, and zodiacal houses.

Gates in the Human Design System

As previously mentioned, a bodygraph is the visual representation of an individual's unique, energetic being. It is composed of nine geometric shapes called centers that function as energetic nodes within the bodygraph. These centers are connected by channels, which create a pathway for the flow of energy between the centers. Gates are located within the centers and at the ends of these channels. There are 64 gates in total, corresponding to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, and each gate carries a specific frequency or quality, which can manifest as a theme, talent, or challenge in a person's life. Gates play a crucial role in the Human Design System by influencing how energy flows throughout an individual's bodygraph and by filtering outgoing or incoming energy via their specific frequency.

The activation of a gate in a bodygraph is determined by an individual’s birth data (date, time, and location). This information is used to calculate the positions of certain celestial bodies in our solar system both at the time of birth as well as around 88 days prior to birth. The positioning of these celestial bodies in space is then mapped onto the astrological wheel in order to determine which gates are active or “defined” in the bodygraph. Defined gates are colored in the chart, while undefined or inactive gates remain white. When two gates on opposite ends of a channel are both defined, the channel becomes activated; activated channels connect the two corresponding centers together and enable the flow of energy between these components. Activated channels represent a consistent, reliable flow of energy in an individual's life. Conversely, when one or both gates within a channel are undefined, the energy flow is inconsistent which leads the individual to experience more variability or adaptability in that area of life.

Gates and the Centers

The gates are connected to specific centers in the bodygraph, representing different energies and aspects of the human experience. The nine centers are:

  1. The Head Center: Associated with inspiration, mental pressure, and questioning.

  2. The Mind Center: Related to conceptualization, mental awareness, and analysis.

  3. The Throat Center: Represents communication, expression, and manifestation.

  4. The Identity Center: Connected to one’s sense of self-identity, life direction, and self-love.

  5. The Heart Center: Associated with willpower, value system, and material resources.

  6. The Solar Plexus Center: Related to desire, emotional awareness, and human experience.

  7. The Sacral Center: Represents the life force energy, responsiveness to life, and fertility.

  8. The Splenic Center: Connected to intuition, survival awareness, physical health and general well-being.

  9. The Root Center: Associated with physical pressure, stress, momentum and adrenaline.

Each center has a set of gates within it that influence the center's function and flow of energy. For example, the Throat Center has 11 gates, each of which represents a different aspect of communication and manifestation. When these gates are defined, they contribute to the individual's unique way of expressing themselves.

Integration of Gates in Personal Analysis

Understanding the defined and undefined gates in one's bodygraph can provide valuable insight into an individual's particular traits, strengths, and challenges. By analyzing the specific themes and qualities of each gate, one gains a deeper understanding of their unique energy configuration and how it, consciously or unconsciously, influences their experiences and behavior. For example, an individual with the Gate of Self-expression (Gate 1) defined in their Identity Center may have a strong sense of personal identity and a natural affinity for creative expression. In contrast, someone with an undefined Gate 1 may have a more flexible sense of self-identity, being more adaptable to different environments or situations. By studying the interplay of gates, channels, and centers, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

The concept of gates in the Human Design System offers a rich and nuanced understanding of the human experience, drawing on the ancient wisdom of the I Ching and its hexagrams. It is essential to remember that the Human Design System does not dictate a person's fate or predict their future. Instead, it serves as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth as unique individuals. By understanding the specific configuration of gates in one's bodygraph, one can learn to make authentic decisions that are aligned with one’s energies, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life. The System’s knowledge helps us navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and compassion, recognizing the innate gifts and potential within each of us.


Psyched Out: Separating the Head + Mind Centers