The Variables: Understanding the Unconscious

Variables are an advanced mechanic within the Human Design System that handle key aspects of an individual’s being, and each Variable is oriented toward a specific modality that enables a person’s transformation of their mind and awareness. Two Variables pertain to one’s Unconscious aspects (Design) and two govern a person’s Conscious aspects (Personality). An individual must align with and operate all four of their Variables in order to embody their Outer Authority: a person’s true awareness that is effectively immune to external conditioning or social homogenization — an almost metaphysical surety in oneself.

The first two Variables that one aligns are the Unconscious Variables: Determination and Environment. Determination governs the correct way for a person to nourish their body and brain; it establishes the parameters by which one best absorbs information and energy. Ra Uru Hu repeatedly stressed the significance of this Variable because of its foundational import in setting the stage for all the others and because it ensured a person properly cared for their “vehicle’s” operation. On the other hand, Environment governs the places and spaces where an individual best operates; those that suit them the most when it comes to energetic alignment and healing. Together these two Variables encapsulate a person’s ideal “internal” and “external” parameters. Both Unconscious Variables are stratified by their Color frequency: Determination is split into Conditions (Colors 1-3) and Circumstances (Colors 4-6), while Environment is split into Hardscapes (Colors 1-3) and Landscapes (Colors 4-6). Note that each kind of Color is further specified by its Tonal frequency being either of the Left or Right Binary.

Conditions vs. Circumstances

Conditions and Circumstances delineate the Determination Variable along the Lines of the trigram. Generally speaking, Conditions are more basic or rudimentary in complexity, while Circumstances are typically more specialized in nature. As stated above, Determination is centered around the correct way to ingest nutrients or absorb information; this Variable is not dependent on the food or drink itself as much as the essence of the label in question. Conditions refers to the actual characteristics of the sustenance an individual takes in, such as its temperature or order of consumption. The following are the Left and Right Conditions broken down by their Color frequency: Color 1 (Appetite) is Consecutive vs. Alternating, Color 2 (Taste) is Open vs. Closed, and Color 3 (Thirst) is Hot vs. Cold. Conversely, Circumstances refers to the particular scenarios where a person intakes their sustenance, such as the characteristics of their surroundings or even the time of day. The following are the Left and Right Circumstances broken down by their Color frequency: Color 4 (Touch) is Calm vs. Nervous, Color 5 (Sound) is High vs. Low, and Color 6 (Light) is Direct vs. Indirect.

Hardscapes vs. Landscapes

Hardscapes and Landscapes delineate the Environment Variable along the Lines of the trigram. Generally speaking, Hardscapes describe more enclosed areas or those packed closely together, while Landscapes are typically more open and expansive in nature. As stated above, Environment is responsible for one’s ideal external surroundings; this Variables is focused around the essence of the label in question rather than its literal interpretation. Hardscapes are surroundings or locations that are more enclosed and limited in their area. The following are the Left and Right Hardscapes broken down by their Color frequency: Color 1 (Caves) is Selective vs. Blending, Color 2 (Markets) is Internal vs. External, and Color 3 (Kitchens) is Wet vs. Dry. Conversely, Landscapes typically describe the larger features of a location where one has a greater range of movement or observation. The following are the Left and Right Landscapes broken down by their Color frequency: Color 4 (Mountains) is Active vs. Passive, Color 5 (Valleys) is Narrow vs. Wide, and Color 6 (Shores) is Natural vs. Artificial.

Determination and Environment are the first two Variables to be aligned on one’s journey to embody their true Outer Authority. They encapsulate the Unconscious (Design) aspect of an individual’s being and are critical for the Conscious (Personality) Variables’ proper operation. By aligning to one’s Determination, a person’s brain and body are fed properly, and by aligning to Environment, one can be at peace externally — in the correct location to begin perceiving the world correctly. Each one builds upon the other to free your body, mind, and awareness of homogenizing conditioning, unlocking the optimal way for your unique being to operate and flourish.

For insights on the Conscious Variables, click here.


The Variables: Understanding the Conscious


Resources: Wide-Open Centers